every aspect of your business matters & it revolves around
The greatest chess masters of the world think 15-20 moves ahead; however, after each move they must reassess their situation. Like these masters, leaders of your business organization must carefully plan and adjust.
(515) 978-1504
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expose your brand
Sponsorship Works
The word ‘sponsorship’ has become a dirty little word that engenders thoughts of wasteful spending.
Sponsorship is just one tactic that fits under the PROMOTION silo of the marketing mix along with PRICE, PRODUCT, and PLACE – known as the 4 P’s in marketing. The most commonly utilized PROMOTION tactic is advertising, but personal selling, public relations, sales promotions all are used to market products and services.
IEG shows that sponsorship expenditures by North American companies are expected to grow 4.0 percent in 2015 to $21.4 billion. Spending globally will grow 4.1 percent to $57.5 billion.
Sports sponsorship spending alone in North America is $14.98B and growing.
As it has in most years over the past two-plus decades, sponsorship’s growth rate will be ahead of the pace experienced by advertising and sales promotion.
Give your fans/customers reason to like/follow/subscribe. Why should someone like you on Facebook, follow you on Twitter, subscribe to your YouTube channel? Social Media works when there is mutual benefit which centers on your fans interaction with your brand.
Social Media is the equalizer and can help your organization stand out among the competition. Developing a consistent strategy is key and, more importantly, it does not have to consume your time and resources.
Sports brands have strong equity in our culture.
Armed with a clear strategy, your organization can build equity and customer advocacy that will last long after the sports season.
Whether large or small the consistency of your message is very important. With a plan that will make life easier, not harder, your organization can thrive.
expose your brand
Social Media Bonds
To learn how call or text 515.978.1504
expose your brand
Branding Matters
to Learn How call or text 515.978.1504
About me...
I am passionate about sports and equally devoted to developing mutually beneficial business relationships.
I believe in creating synergy. I believe when I inject myself into most any situation that I can make a difference. I am someone that understands business and the implications of sound marketing principles and thoughtful leadership. I understand the complexities of sports business through my time in retail, my leadership position with a local non-profit sports organization, and my recent venture as a sports business consultant. Along with my business acumen I provide accountability, reliability, and integrity
Through my experiences I have learned consumer marketing and transformed organizations to be more consumer-centric through measurable techniques. I have leveraged social media platforms to improve communications and relevance for companies that rely on my knowledge to improve their bottom line. Moreover, I continue to seek educational opportunities to remain at the forefront of the industry with respect to my expertise and knowledge.
let us help you manage your sport business
Are you doing the work of your volunteers?
Plan strategically so the organization can adapt and succeed
DAY to Day vS. Long-term
Are you a 501c3? We can help.